Position of Authority and Trust


It's critical to note disclosure of abuse is a process, not a one-time event. RCMP received reports last month, but the alleged offences occurred between 2018-2020. Kids will often try to tell trusted adults by dropping hints, testing their reaction. It's crucial adults learn how to listen openly to kids. Remaining calm, open, and curious is key. Your response can influence how much or how little the child or youth will disclose.

These crimes are not only about sex but power. Dr. Albert De Villiers has held a position of authority and trust in the community. This is a reminder that an offender can be in any profession and carry a high level of education. The irony is he would also be a mandatory reporter of child neglect or abuse. Offenders often lead a double life.

Questions to ask might be

·         How did he groom the adults around the child?

·         What concerning behaviours were missed by friends and colleagues?

·         What are the costs to the child, the care-givers, and the community?

This case has me think of the infamous Canadian Judge Ramsay, who was charged and convicted in the early 2000s. He was considered an upstanding citizen, had a wife and a daughter. Yet, despite appearances, he targeted vulnerable indigenous female youth who had been in his courtroom. One of his victims was as young as 12 when he assaulted her.



There is no magic bullet that will protect your kids from all harm, but using a deterrent tool with all medical professionals, such as Rivera's Consent Letters or Berkower's Prevention Team Cards, is worth the time and funds. It's an investment in prevention and safety.


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